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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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The Dame’s many long-term fans will have followed this story for years. RBKC’s traditional markets are controlled and protected by parliamentary legislation: the London Local Authorities Act 1990. Council charges for market services must be “reasonable” and agreed with licensed street traders. Unreasonable, unagreed charges are unlawful. All unspent revenues must be returned to individual traders. The Market account is currently £200k in credit; funds are owed back to the traders. 

RBKC has long proved itself incapable of tolerating the existence of publicly owned assets, particularly in the north of the Borough. Numerous, attempts have been made to steal and/or destroy them. These are a few fairly recent attempts by RBKC to sell off and/or demolish:

*North Kensington Public Library – RBKC declared the interior stone staircase unsafe for children. Despite this, the building was leased to a private primary school. When the public objected, RBKC ‘reversed’ the lease.

*Morely College provided higher education for N. Kensington residents, for decades. It was set in spacious grounds; so was sold to a ‘private’ educational company – be demolished for luxury flats. Several hundreds residents attended a public meeting. RBKC’s Cllr Taylor Smith publicly announced the reversal of the sale. The College now flourishes.

*Portobello Court – 300 flats. RBKC drew up early plans to demolish the estate; replacing it with private luxury flats + shops. The Chair of the Portobello Court Residents Association knew nothing of the plans. Lawyers for the Grosvenor Estate wrote to RBKC. If the flats were to be demolished; the Estate would take back ownership of the land on which it sits. Shortly after WW2 it was leased in perpetuity to Kensington Council for public use. No more has been heard of the plan.       

*The Old Laundry and half the playground in Colville School was sold to a private French Nursery. The Nursery had recently lost its lease. Enquiries followed.

The Nursery owner was a baronet, who had evicted his own business from his own villa in Oxford Gardens.

No Colville School parents or local residents had been consulted over the plan.

The husband of an RBKC councillor was then Chair of Governors. Once the story was made public, RBKC backed off and Colville School continues to thrive.

Returning to the Markets; RBKC has long ’secretly’ planned to steal Portobello & Golborne Markets from public ownership. It will sell assets it does not own to the highest bidder. Successive public consultations have failed to deliver the result required to move forward. In 2017 RBKC published a report local tourism. Portobello Market has 6 million visitors a year. In 2019 Cllr. Faulks’ report on the local economy provided a detailed analysis of the Borough; without a single reference to or image of Portobello or Golborne Markets. In 2022 a rash of licence applications mysteriously appeared for hospitality tables and chairs to replace market traders. The public objected. All the applications were rejected. In January 2023 RBKC omitted to advise the public of 3 alleged public meetings to be held on one day. All were allegedly to discuss the future of the Markets. Days before the phantom meetings, the Dame published details. Hundreds of residents attended. By evening Cllr Kemahli rode back on the plan. Yet the current, £100k+ public consultation seeks to ‘improve’ Portobello Road, while co-incidentally preventing future market trading. This is the 4th or 5th consultation that’s failed to garner the required support for RBKC’s supposedly secret plan. Local residents know what’s intended and continue to refuse to accept the destruction of 500 people’s livelihoods. Kim Taylor-Smith claims to have “dealt with” the Grenfell survivors and now intends to “deal” with the street traders in a similar manner by unilaterally forcing up rents and other expenses. This, apparently without thought given to the possibility that by doing so, RBKC may breach parliamentary law.             

To protect residents, street traders and the public; this is a matter for the Leader of the Council; Chief Executive and Borough Solicitor. It is their duty to uphold the law and protect the public, rather than support the ambitions of a local politician.

Yours faithfully
A. Resident


  1. Not telling Avatar
    Not telling

    Good post. Sums it all

    1. anonymous Avatar

      It’s high time the Council got a grip on this scandal. Years of RBKC neglect and distain for residents seen as working class, led directly to the Grenfell tragedy.
      The site of Grenfell is barely 300 metres from Portobello Market.

      Thankfully, market traders are unlikely to die as a direct result of RBKC’s current plans to destroy the Markets; but they will certainly be damaged and some lives will be shortened. It won’t be 500 people; but 1,000 or more within families.

      It’s extraordinary that in 2024, RBKC still displays 19th century levels of class discrimination. Add race, religion, and income to this toxic mix and you have the Royal Borough in a nutshell. If it can’t learn; RBKC must be taught that everyone, regardless of gender; sexual orientation; race; religion and financial position etc. is equal in the sight of the law and humane people. Failure to accept these truths will lead RBKC to further scandal and ignominy.

      1. Black and Lesbian Avatar
        Black and Lesbian

        Not sure that this is “spot on,” Lindie. It seems to me that this is an ill considered left wing rancorous rant by someone desperate to get attention.

        I only know of one Kensington and Chelsea Councillor who is shockingly racist and antisemitic. To suggest, without detailed evidence, that the Council is institutionally racist, institutionally sexist, institutionally homophobic and institutionally classist is the stuff of some ghastly Trotskyite or possibly a follower of Jeremy Corbyn.

        I am Black and Lesbian and this is not my experience of Kensington and Chelsea Council.

        1. Ladybird Avatar

          You are fortunate. Everyone’s experience is different of course; but after 65+ years of watching K & C neglect and abuse of largely immigrant communities, it’s not been mine.

          1. Black and Lesbian Avatar
            Black and Lesbian


            I was born in Jamaica. I came here with my parents on the Windrush. I am now drawing my pension. I am Black, Lesbian and proud. I used to have a Councillor who was a lesbian. She is long gone but I am not discriminated against by my current elected representatives on the Council or by any of their Officers on account of my skin colour, culture or lesbianism. Some Officers are less helpful than others but is not because I am a Black or Lesbian. That’s life.

    2. Linde Carr Avatar
      Linde Carr

      Spot on

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    What makes RBKC believe that minus a market, an ugly little street behind Ladbroke Grove – leading north to 2 of Europe’s poorest wards – will continue to attract large numbers of visitors? Apart from the rights of the market traders, it makes no commercial sense. Why should a tourist in the West End leave it to go to a place that’s become ‘Nowhere?’

    As well as being hideously greedy, the idea is spectacularly stupid. Typical RBKC.

  3. Local Avatar

    By what stretch of the imagination does the council have the right to destroy our Portobello Market? It’s world famous, because people have made it world famous, through their joy in other people, plus books and films. Visitors appear in their tens of thousands every day of the week, because it’s a happy place, particularly when the sun shines.

    Kensington and Chelsea are deeply dull. Desperately thin women, money and overbred dogs. Portobello is the entire world in t-shirts and jeans and just enough for a paella or souvenir shopping bag. Long live Portobello!

  4. Linde Carr Avatar

    It is with sadness that I have to say that RBKC has not improved but has become worse than ever. If Grenfell didn’t make them change their ways then I know that they will remain as money grabbing and devoid of any decency as ever.
    What is it that makes RBKC intent on stripping our Borough of any traditions that have made it so unique. Every weekend I look out of my window and see the tourists pouring into the area to photograph the ‘Blue Door’ and to walk down Portobello market. They come in their thousands and while we locals may get fed up with the hustle and bustle we really would not change it.
    But there are people who would and purely for money. Developers alongside a greedy Council look at the market and see pound signs. It is up to us residents to be vigilant and make sure that their underhand dealings do not reach fruition. Once the market dating back hundreds of years is gone it will be destroyed forever.

  5. anonymous Avatar

    The Council routinely tries to make locals hate the market. How is this for petty spitefulness? For many years, residents were able to put out their bags of domestic waste and recycling, anytime during market hours. Then as part of the current campaign, this was stopped. Residents must now place out rubbish only between midnight and 7am. The change serves no useful purpose of course; except to benefit local foxes and rats. Failure to follow RBKC’s vermin protection regime can lead to a £150 fixed penalty notice.

    Yet it hasn’t worked. North Kensington residents are immune from Hornton Street bullying. They’ve had decades of it.

  6. Joanna Hopper Avatar
    Joanna Hopper

    If anonymous on 25th November wants to make such incendiary claims they will only be taken seriously if they provide the proof to substantiate what they are saying. This is from the pen of a very unsophisticated and inexperienced politician.

    It is hard to treat this sort of fulmination as serious comment when the author of this diatribe has not had the decency to state their name.

    1. Janet Stone Avatar
      Janet Stone


      I went one meeting Momentum meeting and never returned to it. The anonymous rant above is the stuff of Momentum rhetoric. It is an invective tirade of abuse that goes down well with the followers of Comrade Corbyn.

      1. A. Resident Avatar
        A. Resident

        If she refers to the lead article on this thread, J.S is mistaken. I wrote it and am about as far as it’s possible to be from Momentum, short of voting Tory. Unfortunately, this is the bald reality; without embellishment or party political slant. This exercise is not simply about power; but greed.

    2. Unsophisticated Avatar

      Nothing of the sort. There’s an excruciating amount of evidence about this. Years of it in fact. Enough to bore the entire borough into a coma.
      Regarding anonymity; not everyone has your courage; or perhaps there’s confusion here. This story records the bald facts. It’s about simple justice, not sophistication. However, if care for others is politics; then it’s political.

      1. Sorry unsophisticated, you're wrong to proceed in this childlike way. . Avatar
        Sorry unsophisticated, you’re wrong to proceed in this childlike way. .

        You say, “there’s an excruciating amount of evidence about this. Enough to bore the entire borough in to a coma.”

        If that is so, let us have it all out in the open. The Hornet is an ideal place for those who are shat on by the Council to have their say. It seems that you are, as one contributor, has said having a “rancorous rant” and no one is impressed by such bald, unsubstantiated, claims. This what primary children do in the playground.

        The Dame has told us all, in the past, about Emma Dent Coad’s racism – so if that is what you are going on about, we already know about it but if you share with us other things then we will find out what the situation is.

        Yours ever,
        Yvonne de la salle.

        1. Unsophisticated Avatar

          Ms de la Salle. The issue here is that, just as it has tried to destroy other publicly owned N. Ken assets, RBKC intends to destroy Portobello Market; and this is quite possibly illegal. Nothing else.

          Perhaps confusion is in part because the threat to the Old Laundry came to light in about 1995, during local government elections. In Colville, Lib Dems replaced Labour for a couple of terms. The threat to Portobello Court was about 2000 and promptly nipped in the bud by the Grosvenor Estate. Morely College was ‘sold’ 10 or so years ago; while RBKC attacked N. Ken Library more recently; but before Covid.

          Quite what EDC has to do with any of this; is a mystery. Except for the fact that Colville currently has no functioning councillors.

    3. Barry Buckmaster Avatar
      Barry Buckmaster

      ?? Hornton Street bullying??

      Councillors who were on the TMO Board knew all about the toxic culture and the bullying of tenants going way back to 1996. The TMO was always abysmal and dismal. The bullying and toxicity went to new levels from 2008 onwards.

      RBKC officials always get their own way with the useless Councillors who serve on it.

      1. Local Avatar

        Mr Buckmaster is perfectly correct is his comments about the long, sorry history of the TMO etc. However, in this matter the market traders have huge local support and quite possibly, also the law on their side.

        The original story sought only to inform as many more residents as possible of the current threat to Portobello and Golborne Markets; nothing else. It’s not a party political issue; but draws attention to the rights of ordinary people to continue to earn their living.

    4. anonymous Avatar

      Further to JH’s comment, she should go talk to one of the PGMC (market) committee members. It’s all too true and has been for years. The council has held repeated consultations expecting people to be so grateful for decent pavements, they’d overlook the loss of the markets. They haven’t and they won’t. Yippee!

      1. Misguided by Frank Murray Avatar
        Misguided by Frank Murray

        Dear Anonymous on 27th November, 2024,

        You say it is “all true and has been for years.” You are doing a disservice to those who are worried about the future of the street market(s) by making claims about breaches of equalities’ legislation without the evidence to back up what you are saying.

        We are unable to determine the veracity of what you are saying unless you give us the evidence. If you do not mind my saying, you are now coming across as desperate.

        There is nothing that RBK&C likes less than people giving the Dame chapter and verse on racism, misogyny, and homophobia of the institutional kind at the Council or otherwise.

        1. Rob Delaney. Avatar
          Rob Delaney.

          If RBKC is doing any of things suggested on this page then it is most important that the incidents complained of are enunciated so that those responsible may be identified and “shafted.”

          1. Anonymous Avatar

            Mr Delaney.
            You represent the welcome voice of reason. A great suggestion, except to whom do the victims complain? The Market Office yearns for a quiet life without pesky street traders. There are no functioning Colville councillors. Golborne councillors are silent as the grave.
            Those responsible for this plan are highly placed in Hornton St.
            As suggested in the original notification above, that leaves the Leader of the Council; the Chief Executive and the Borough Solicitor. There’s still time for such senior people to intervene to protect 500 working people and the wider N. Kensington community.
            Meanwhile, FTHN is a true friend of the Markets.

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    Mr Murray. The fact that a series of connected issues are true, is surely hardly a disservice to anyone.

    The PGMC (Portobello & Golborne Management Committee) is composed almost entirely of street traders. They have a firm grip on the issues and how they affect their colleagues. All street traders have access to the committee members.

    This is not a new story. Most of the issues raised here seem to be due to the fact that FTHN has only recently linked into THINK. Those who followed the FTHN blog over the last decade or so, will have seen several similarly detailed articles on the threat that RBKC is to the Markets. That threat has clearly, recently gathered strength. Hence this thread.

    1. . Avatar

      It sounds as if “Anonymous” is drunk or on something!

      Only a fool would support vague, unsubstantiated, claims about anything as serious as racism, sexism, and homophobia at the Council just because someone on a committee will substantiate these claims if asked.


  8. Local Avatar

    The subject of this thread remains RBKC’s threat to Portobello Market; nothing else. However much others may choose to focus on diversions, the Market and its traders are the issue.

    In the latest public consultation it was suggested that pavements will be widened. That may sound fine, except wider pavements means no parking.
    Over many years the Council has sold off almost all the traders’ storage units. So almost all traders must bring stock in a van. No storage, no van, no Market.
    RBKC also announced that all parking will be off site. So traders are expected to bring stock in a van; put it on their site, to be stolen while they park their van. Then in the evening, the trader must leave what’s left of his stock at risk, to fetch their van and queue for parking space near their stock, in the hope there’s some of it left. Oh! And RBKC intends to simultaneously double parking fees.
    So again. No parking; no stock; no money; no market.

    If you find this boring, please imagine 1,000 times as much such excruciating detail. Then you will know why it’s unsuitable reading for FTHN.

    1. Flight of fancy Avatar
      Flight of fancy

      Local is right!

      The subject of this thread is about the market. So, it might be best to start a new thread minus the charges of institutional racism, institutional sexism and institutional homophobia against the Council baked in.

      Time for a refocus without imagination running riot on equality issues and a lack of concern for practicality? I should say so.

  9. A. Resident Avatar
    A. Resident

    Flight of Fancy. Well said.

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