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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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The other night Nigel Farage held a £25,000 a head party at a vulgar Mayfair club called Oswald’s. The intention was to raise money.

Dom Perignon, the preferred champagne of the parvenu flowed and ‘distinguished’ guests like James Marlborough and George Cracknell danced away with Lady Vicky Harvey until the small hours having gorged themselves on foie gras and Beluga.


Yes, the Dame, a fearful snob would love to have been able to wear her new gold lame frock and mingle with the cream of society. But, how does all this resonate with Farage’s grassroots supporters?

Many are struggling small business people and most have rather Cromwellian and puritanical views of politics.

These dreadful and ostentatious displays of wealth set a nasty tone:

Farage, being a bit ‘middle’ middle class loves to be surrounded by aristocratic dross and ex celebs.

Serious potential donors like Dyson, Ratcliffe and other industrial titans will be very put off. Tarnishing one’s reputation by rubbing shoulders with some of the celebrity ex cons would not go down well with shareholders.


  1. James Marlborough Avatar
    James Marlborough

    How bloody dare you! I am a duke not aristocratic dross

  2. Lady Kensington Avatar
    Lady Kensington

    Dear Dame,

    This shower is not the “cream of society.” They are the dregs of the crap barrel. There is something very low class and vulgar about them. I would feel common just talking to them.

    Their women are a cut above wearing a black bra under a white blouse, a leopard skin print or going out sporting a lovely pair of corn beef legs with no stockings. They may get their couture from Bond Street but everything about them is characterised by pretentious and showy displays.

    The men are happy as long as they pissed and get a shag by the end of the night. To think these populists can reproduce.

    1. Mrs. Gaudy and Ms. Garish Avatar
      Mrs. Gaudy and Ms. Garish

      Too much bling is what these women who support Farage like. The Hoorays buy it for them as a prelude to sexual intercourse.

  3. Boris. Avatar

    Farage, the vulgarian, wants to be a Hooray Henry- an aging Hooray Henry.

  4. This blog is so much better now that one does not have to leave an email address to comment Avatar
    This blog is so much better now that one does not have to leave an email address to comment

    Farage and Reform will be a flash in the pan.

    1. Flash in the pan indeed. Kensington needs a touch of class. Avatar
      Flash in the pan indeed. Kensington needs a touch of class.

      I hear that some of the Hoorays at this ghastly gathering were wearing white socks. Jacob R M rang me this morning to tell me.

      Reform were shafted in Kensington in 2024 but they did not lose their deposit.

      1.  Avatar

        Hold your horses, if you please.

        Now, don’t forget that Reform did better in Kensington than that Corbynite woman who lost her deposit.

  5. Andy Egginton Avatar
    Andy Egginton

    Incredible snobbery from Nigel farage?
    Maybe he should donate the funds raised to age concern as us candidates paid for every penny of our campaigns in the GE and as far as I was aware HQ in Ashby was run by volunteers?
    As soon as the GE finished the grassroots ended up under the Reform bus thousands of ponds down?
    So where has the millions gone from memberships and donations? You have candy the billionaire also and many other donors?
    This event seems like an excuse for farage to mix with the elite? I find it hard to believe that Farage is anti establishment after this event and represents the people?
    I feel that Reform supporters are being misled, time for a change of leadership and definitely chairman at least.

  6. Andy Egginton Avatar
    Andy Egginton

    Incredible snobbery from Nigel farage?
    Maybe he should donate the funds raised to age concern as us candidates paid for every penny of our campaigns in the GE and as far as I was aware HQ in Ashby was run by volunteers?
    As soon as the GE finished the grassroots ended up under the Reform bus thousands of pounds down?
    So where has the millions gone from memberships and donations? You have candy the billionaire also and many other donors?
    This event seems like an excuse for farage to mix with the elite? I find it hard to believe that Farage is anti establishment after this event and represents the people?
    I feel that Reform supporters are being misled, time for a change of leadership and definitely chairman at least.

  7.  Avatar

    Kensington voters will shaft reform just like they shafted Corbynism.

  8. Philip S Rose Avatar
    Philip S Rose

    Foie gras is an abomination – anyone invlolved needs to be force fed like the Ducks! I was until recently a Reform UK Cllr. I am pleased to have resigned earlier this month as the Party has become an hollow shell with appalling regional management and poor direction from leadership.
    Grassroots my arse!!

    1. PW Avatar

      I hope you support Ben Habib, Philip, who would seem to share your views of Farage

  9.  Avatar

    Dear Dame,

    This page has had 140 viewings at 15.00 hours today. This blog is starting to rock, again.

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