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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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Dear Dame

Councilor Marwan Elnaghi has been noted for two things – his absolute laziness and his incompetence

Overpromoted , to put it politely in the Labour wars, to being chair of the Grenfell Recovery Scrutiny Committee where he consistently failed to get through the agenda and one one occasion invited a trauma expert Dr Grady Bray to describe 9/11 retraumatising bereaved, survivors and residents.

Then on Adult Social Care and Health, he was in charge of the final meeting with the Royal Brompton Hospital . Elnaghi let the Trust bosses dominate the meeting and had to be told (Well done Dr Max Chauhan!) when to let the councillors ask questions and residents didn’t ever get an opportunity to speak or ask questions.

And then his defence of a restuarant/club on Clarendon Roa which deliberately breached Covid Rules – at a licensing meeting whilst he forgot he was AsC Chair!

His stint on planning led to him to vote YES to dodgy Warren Todd’s redevelopment of Buspace in Gobrone Ward ( complete with ZERO affordable housing!)

So what services and help have Notting Dale, the Grenfell Ward, constituents had from Elnaghi? Well zero apart from him banging on about the phone mast in his block to anyone who will listen for years – absolutely nothing .
When a constituent tried to talk to him about gun and knife crime he said “I’m Too tired to discuss”. Not too tired to collect his chunky allowance though!

This is a councillor very shy of any casework coming his way.

Very angry resident

6 responses to “BUSY DOING NOTHING!”

  1. Anon Avatar

    Labour needs to get rid of this bloke.

    I can see Coad standing as an independent in Notting Dale next time round.

    Labour needs outstanding Councillors in that Ward. Perhaps, Colman should stand in that Ward to give the serving Councillors some new direction. Colman would not be the first Kensington MP to have two jobs. Colman is a good geyser.

  2. GEEZER Avatar

    He also sits on the board of the Westway Trust and does nothing about that disgraceful of an organisation.

    Having a safe seat should be no excuse for a councillor (of ant party) to get paid for doing nothing amd show zero concern about crime, safety and the wellbeing of their constituents.

    An apology won’t cut the mustard. This lazy incompetent councillor should be standing down.

    1. Bloke and a half Avatar
      Bloke and a half

      Now look her Geezer, I want Elnaghi shafted asap.

  3. Atticus Avatar

    About time too. The man has no malice but he is terminally useless and so easily led that he is a danger to democracy in North Kensington.
    This autumn the Constituency Labour Party guided by Joe Powell , Monica Press and the London Region of the party needs a wholesale clear out of the most useless set of Labour Councillors ever to ‘represent ‘ the people of North Kensington .
    Maybe they should start by bringing back some of those experienced Councillors removed by Dent Coad & Lari . Has anyone approached Nadia Nail , Bevan Powell and Ian Henderson yet ?

  4. Anon Avatar

    Is that Lari bloke still in the Labour Party?

    Very cosy with Coad, so I hear.

    We need Press and Henderson back in PDQ.

  5. Choose your friends wisely Avatar
    Choose your friends wisely

    Lari is in with Coad, is he?

    Tell me your company, and I’ll tell you who you are?

    Will Labour see him off for 2026?

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