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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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Is Henry Tufnell MP backwards in coming forward(back in image)?

There is nothing contemptible in an aristo being a Labour MP.

What is contemptible is pretending to be what you are not.

If Tufnell had been open about his background no one would have given two hoots. However, his gauche efforts at clambering up the greasy political pole by pretending to be common (like the Dame) are just embarrassing.

He has made a fool of himself for no reason.

6 responses to “DISSEMBLING MP”

  1. White stiletos with no tight is de rigeur these days. Avatar
    White stiletos with no tight is de rigeur these days.

    “Common” like the Dame.

    I am sure you would never dream of wearing a black bra under a white blouse.

    I am sure you would not dream of going out with no stockings or tights exhibiting a lovely pair of corn beef legs.

    I once saw a woman Assistant in Marks and Spencer’s in Islington with a pair of red drawers showing through her overall.

    The Dame is anything but common.

    Signed: The Baroness of Clobber Hill.

  2. Common by St Michael. Avatar
    Common by St Michael.

    Just what did the Staff Manageress at M&S Islington think she was doing by allowing a very common woman with red knickers showing through her overall on to the shop floor.

    Whatever next, red bra straps showing.

  3. Miss Trotwood Avatar
    Miss Trotwood

    M&S is common and available.

  4. A touch of class. Avatar
    A touch of class.

    Dear Dame,

    This Tufnell boy comes from Good Gloucestershire Land Owning and Farming Stock.

    Are you stretching it a little to suggest that he is an Aristo?

    According to Wiki, his family transferred the title of some of its land before the budget. Inheritance Tax efficient and all that malarkey sounds like the family are good Tories.

  5. Duchess Avatar

    This chep is married to Poppy Rimmington-Pounder. Sounds like is a Hooray Henry and not a son of the proletariat.

  6. Upper Crust Avatar
    Upper Crust

    The former Ms Poppy Rimmington-Pounder is doubtless an utterly charming woman with an excellent family background. This, despite sounding a little like the orphan heiress, heroine of an Agatha Christie detective novel.

    There’s opportunity here. Now that the eminent Jacob Rees-Mogg has decided to grace our living rooms with previously unknown details of his family life; others may be moved to follow suit. The possibilities are endless!

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