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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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This proposal is a pure revenue generation idea. It is highly detrimental to residents struggling to find spaces. The Council does not allocate permits to new developments because it knows that residents’ spaces are at a premium so why offer to second home owners?

Below is your chance to make sure this crazy idea does not come to pass

The Council is carrying out an informal consultation on the proposal between 10 January 2025 and 23 February 2025, and we will also carry out a statutory consultation on the proposed traffic order changes in February for three weeks. All comments that we receive in the informal consultation will be automatically recorded in our statutory consultation as well. 

We would be grateful if you could send your response to our inbox  before the closing date of 23 February 2025.

[email protected]


  1. Jeremy Avatar

    Let the Parking Hunger Games commence

  2. Mrs Common-Sense Avatar
    Mrs Common-Sense

    There are a few areas of the borough where there are plenty of vacant spaces. These are on housing estates where the vast majority of households, around 70% if not more, do not own a car.

    What makes the council think that these social housing residents (who’d prefer that the spaces were used for trees, allotments, bike hangars, exercise spaces for example) would welcome their estates being turned into parking lots for rich out of towners? Very Feilding-Mellen.

    1. Put residents first Avatar
      Put residents first

      These proposals show absolute zero consideration for the full time residents struggling to find a parking space as it is.

      It’s not fair or right that residents in busy localities who need their cars for work or to travel elsewhere would have to park a mile or so from home all because the council allowed others in second homes to hog all the parking spaces.

      Also what about disabled & elderly residents who can’t walk very far?

      The council is proud of their bin collections & it’s in the bin where this crazy proposal belongs.

  3. Sisyphus5 Avatar

    No to parking permits for second home owners.
    1. Simple fact : There is no space in the areas where most 2nd homeowners apparently reside.
    2.I live in an area with very high 2nd home ownership + parking is already a significant problem for full-time residents.
    3. Recently we have seen more parking spaces donated to electric charging, bikes + diplomats.
    4. This proposal is a lazy short sighted way for the Council to get more cash at full time residents’ expense.

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