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Workin’ class mate

According to the Times there is a growing concern about the rise of Reform. Labour strategists are plotting ways to combat the populist movement.

One brainbox has come up this killer idea…“let’s emphasise Keir’s working class roots”.

British voters have not the slightest interest in a politician’s social pedigree.

Only in the sadly depleted UK would a politician think it added lustre: so cheap and patronising.

No Labour voter thinks or cares whether their leader is working class or not.

It’s like Rayner calling everyone ‘Mate’ and thinking it makes her sound authentic. It just makes her seem slightly annoying and borderline ridiculous.

To defeat populism it might be a good idea to listen to what people want.

12 responses to “ONLY HERE CAN IT BE SO”

  1. Lord ******* Avatar
    Lord *******

    Keir Starmer. Went to Reigate Grammar School, where he joined the Labour Party Young Socialists. Read law at the University of Leeds, then got a bachelor of Civil Law degree at Oxford. Worked primarily on human rights matters at Doughty Street Chambers, defended convicts sentenced to death in several Caribbean countries, eventually became Attorney General, was given a safe Labour seat when he wanted to enter Parliament, served under Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Shadow Cabinet, later throwing Corbyn out of the Labour Party. Has appointed Lord Hermer, a friend and colleague from Doughty Street Chambers, and a Labour donor, as Attorney General. Yup, a typical working-class bloke.

  2. Mate of Mandy Avatar
    Mate of Mandy

    Starmer grew up on the mean streets of leafy Oxted. True working class

    1. Lord Muck from Snobberydale Avatar
      Lord Muck from Snobberydale

      Listen up Mate,

      “British voters have not the slightest interest in a politician’s social pedigree.”

      The Corbynite left winger, Emma Dent Coad, thought class mattered. She claimed to be royalty and told those of us living at Lancaster West that she could trace her Spanish aristocratic heritage back to Christopher Columbus. Emma Dent Coad made her aristocratic roots public before we found out that she was born in Stepney.

      1. One of us. Avatar
        One of us.

        Why is that some people with a working class background like to tell everyone that they are “working class?”

        I was at university with a bloke who repeatedly told us in seminars that he was “working class.” He had an Irish heritage but kept quiet about that. However, he did land a First Class Honours Degree. I later found out that he had got in to the University of London with no qualifications and had worked in a shop since he left school.

        I am the son of a hospital cleaner but never found it necessary to say so to lay claim to my working class status. Another bloke who came from Yorkshire was the son of a factory operative and he never found it necessary to say so. We both knew what we were.

        I think the real reason those who bleat on about being “working class” do so is because they want to let everyone know how well they have done. However, they con us all by saying they understand what it is to be a proletarian because they are “one of us.”

      2.  Avatar

        ?? Aristocratic?? My eye. That one is as common as muck.

      3. Stepney's finest Avatar
        Stepney’s finest

        Sounds like she wanted everyone to know that she was better than them. She was Stepney’s finest – the “creme de la creme.”

        1. From the ridiculous to the sublime. Avatar
          From the ridiculous to the sublime.

          That’s the trouble with socialists- some want to come down to the lowest common workman and others have delusions of aristocracy.

      4. FTHN still obsessed with EDC Avatar
        FTHN still obsessed with EDC

        Go touch grass mate

        1.  Avatar

          What rubbish.

        2.  Avatar

          Have you noticed how all those marxists (the hard left) have been to university and live in nice areas? They think they understand the working class because they have lined up for the dole for a couple of weeks after leaving university.

        3. It stands to reason that EDC will be mentioned. Avatar
          It stands to reason that EDC will be mentioned.

          EDC has no one but herself to blame. She is the personification and embodiment of a pretentious politician.

          As this blog is about a pretentious politician, Keir Starmer, it follows that Kensington’s and Stepney’s Finest who has form for the very same thing will be mentioned; mentioned in the same breath.

          Starmer pretends to be a son of the proletariat on account that his father made tools in a factory or a workshop.

          EDC pretends to be “one of them” when she wants North Kensington to vote for her. She claims she is one of them in North Kensington because she has lived in sub-standard housing. On the other hand, EDC tells the Tory readers of The Daily Express, in Kensington, that she is the same as Prince Harry – aristocracy, “one of them” too. She is a woman who changes her opinions, attributes and qualities to suit different situations.

          1. Give it a rest you creepy sycophant Avatar
            Give it a rest you creepy sycophant

            IDGAF mate

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