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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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Dear Kensington Society Members

RBKC is currently running a consultation on proposed changes to resident parking arrangements. The number of permits being issued is falling as is car ownership. The proposal presented by RBKC is to allow up to 2000 extra permits for those who own second homes within RBKC.  

  • Currently, parking permits are only issued to residential addresses that are listed on the council tax register as a main home. People living in properties listed as second homes are therefore not eligible for a residents’ parking permit. In addition all new developments such as Holland Green and One Kensington are not allowed resident parking permits.

Kensington Society has concerns about this proposal for the following reasons:

  • Proximity to commercial high streets and to tube stations mean that many of surplus spaces are taken by permit holders, making it sometimes difficult to find a space at certain times of the day
  • It is difficult to see the logic of giving second homeowners this valuable facility when all new developments are required to be permit free
  • There is a question as to how the 2,000 permit will be allocated. Is it on a first come, first service basis?  Will there be a waiting list?  Can ‘permit-free’ residents apply?
  • If there is surplus capacity and the borough needs to generate more income, we feel that it would be preferable to introduce a visitor permit scheme such as exists in most other London boroughs

The Kensington Society will be submitting our comments and our response along these lines. You may agree or differ, however, we would encourage you to respond individually. Details can be found at https://consult.rbkc.gov.uk/communities/residents-permits-eligibility/. The consultation runs until 23 February 2025.

Yours sincerely

Amanda Frame



  1. Private Avatar

    No, impossible to find spaces as it is

  2. Resi Avatar

    Chelsea Society has also objected. Can this crazy idea

  3. New to RBKC Avatar
    New to RBKC

    Why can new developments are not permitted permits so why should second homeowners

  4. Pedestrian Avatar

    Many, perhaps most, second homes in K & C are uninhabited due to international money laundering etc. The resulting level of local depopulation is so extreme, RBKC is the only borough in the south of England with a continually reducing population. Those who doubt this should tour our most elegant residential areas on winter evenings. There’s hardly a lit window to be seen.

    RBKC’s empty trophy homes naturally have every facility. Services will doubtless now include parking permits. Meanwhile, permanent K & C residents are refused them. RPPs are not issued in ‘poor’ areas at the very north of the borough. Yet further south, where Tory voters live, the very narrow northern stretch of Kensington Park Rd has residents’ cars parked on both sides. Kensington Park Rd is the route for 3 buses in 2 directions. It’s often chaos.

    Most importantly, every year the threat of climate change grows more extreme. Meanwhile, RBKC encourages yet more gas guzzling 4x4s and supercars.

    1. Peter Moorson-Smith Avatar
      Peter Moorson-Smith

      For goodness sake…stop pretending empty homes in K&C are occupied by international money launderers. London is an ’empire city’. In just happens that international rich families like a base in London for all sorts of reasons. Same applies in NY, Paris etc. This sneering attitude just drives entrepreneurs from London. The flight of money from London is now a flood. The rich who have property take nothing out and put a lot in….unlike 40% of the population here who take out much more than they put in. We are in danger of killing off the golden egg producers. The City of London creates the wealth that funds the NHS and the benefits to the millions who could work but choose not. As far as permits for second home owners is concerned they should be allowed

  5. Tidings of comfort and joy. Avatar
    Tidings of comfort and joy.

    Dear Dame,

    Do the Hornets now on the scene know that they can post on this blog without leaving their name, their email address or details of their website.

    I think you should run a special page article to convey the glad tidings.

    1. The Dame Avatar

      A good idea. The Dame will ‘action’ it

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