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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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Persuading RBK&C’s FoI department to come clean on costs is like pulling hens’ teeth.

In the last couple of years just under £2 million has been spent or budgeted for.

This is a huge amount of money. The PR department under Price-Thompson has become an empire with around 16 staff beavering away. It would be understandable if there was tangible evidence of some sort of positive outcome but that is not the case.

The Dame knows a little about the PR Game. Over the years she has consistently advocated outsourcing to a grown-up consultancy or sharing the resource with neighbouring councils.

The publicity material put out by the Council is just embarrassing and unread and whatever advice is given to the Leader still leaves her floundering.

It is time the winds of change blew through the Council and a new, younger, leader untainted by the past put in the driving seat.


  1. Miss Trotwood Avatar
    Miss Trotwood

    Kensington and Chelsea has always been concerned about its image even in the day of Baroness Joan Hanham and Sir Merrick Cockell.

    Since the Grenfell Tower fire, the Council has gone to extraordinary lengths on image.

    Dizzy Lizzie needs to get real if she does not want to incur my wrath.

  2. Resident Avatar

    Who remembers during Cockell’s time as Leader when RBKC would flaunt its alleged 5 star credentials across the UK; offering to instruct lesser local authorities how to run their affairs? Meanwhile, Cockell used public money to pay for a luxurious breakfast party in a grand hotel. The claims of quality were a joke then; just as they are today.

    Then there was Deputy Leader Moylan. Such charm. Among other huge, career successes, was his Exhibitionist Road makeover; the wreck that is Kensington High Street and post RBKC, Johnson’s airport project in the Thames Estuary.
    Clearly RBKC’s glory days!

    How many millions of pounds of public money have such persons wasted on their own amusement?

    1.  Avatar

      I remember all that malarkey.

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