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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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The Dame asked a few of her neighbours what they thought of Sloane Street since the improvements.

The unanimous view was worth the wait.

Sloane Street now has a very pleasant continental feel to it.

“ A pleasure to walk down”

“ Pity this approach to public space was not adopted for Exhibition Rd”

“Gives a feeling of a grand vista: before it all felt like  a ‘main rd’

“Like the way it melds in with gardens”

“Is it my imagination, but have the speeding supercars gone since the overhaul?”

“ The bus stops are now much better position than on the old street”

Walking down Sloane Street is now a real pleasure.

The  greater dividend for residents is that the £40 million costs were borne by Cadogan.

 Even the cost and maintenance of the plants, trees etc will remain the responsibility of Cadogan.

The Dame has a long held view residents’ interests are better aligned with a long-term family owner rather than some Middle Eastern sovereign wealth fund or, worse, a heavily profit driven public property company.

Anyway, the new look Sloane Street is a win for all

19 responses to “SLOANE ST….NOW STREETS AHEAD”

  1. What are they after, time will tell. Avatar
    What are they after, time will tell.

    Cadogan has spent £40 million on the Sloane Street improvements and will maintain the trees and plantings.

    Now, that’s all very fine and dandy, BUT what does Cadogan want for its £40 million plus. Is this really an act of truly altruistic largesse.

    1. Local Avatar

      I assume that a by product will be to try to rival Bond Street and thus attract more high end retailers. It could also be that the improvements are tax deductible.
      Whatever its motivation does it matter? In the end we all have access to a vastly improved street with no cost to taxpayers. Sounds good to me!

  2. UPVOTE Avatar

    There is always someone!!
    Sloane Street looks amazing. If Cadogan benefits from increased footfall etc so what? It invested a huge amount of money to benefit the community and the estate so we all benefit. Maybe that is its mutual altruism. All I know is that it is beautiful whereas before it was dreary.

    1.  Avatar

      Sloane Street looks lovely – no denying it. But what are Cadogan after? Time will tell. Money talks and it influences people to think a certain way towards a seemingly well meaning benefactor.

      1. Improver Avatar

        What are Cadogan after? Is there anything wrong with them wanting to improve the profitability of estate income by tarting up Sloane Street. Could not that the probable reason? Why should there always be something more sinister?

        1.  Avatar

          So, Improver, does that mean that leaseholders on the Cadogan Estate will be the ones who will be paying extra to increase estate income and profits? Do you really think leaseholders would be happy to pay through a circuitous route for Sloane Street’s improvements – as nice as they are.

          It is good that this blog allows people to air opposing arguments in a polite and reasonable way.

  3.  Avatar

    If Cadogan Estates had given the funds to improve Sloane Street anonymously (possibly through some sort of Blind Trust) there would have been no publicity about this massive sum of money. No one in a position of power would ever know the identity of the donor. This would preclude the possibility of councillors and officials being well disposed to Cadogan Estate on an important local issue – if one were ever to arise.

    1. ????? Avatar

      So someone could spend £40 million through a blind trust and no one would know?
      You don’t think it a bit strange that someone would donate this for the benefit of the estate? Weird.

  4. Neighbour Avatar

    Pavilion Road is an amazing transformation. Residents and visitors love it. Similarly, Saturdays at Duke of York Sq has become a Chelsea fixture. Cadogan is doing a great job on public space.

    1. A Good Dose of Cynicism and Sceptism. Avatar
      A Good Dose of Cynicism and Sceptism.

      Glad you have confidence in Cadogan. Money talks. It always has and it always will. Time will tell. I am quite prepared to accept that I may be wrong but I have seen it all before.

      1. Neighbour Avatar

        Oh give it a rest. You Lefties forget this company invests in the area and provides employment. What do you give?
        The street looks great and everyone is happy….except miserable old you!

        1.  Avatar

          True altruism will always be appreciated.

      2.  Avatar

        Quid pro quo – something for you something for me. That’s capitalism for you.

        1. Local person Avatar
          Local person

          Exactly, you have had something you have not had to pay for so why the whining?

          1.  Avatar

            I did not ask for Sloane Street improvements. If you had £40 million would have donated it for these improvements with no strings attached.

  5. Neighbour Avatar

    So we should care that you didn’t ask for the improvements? You probably live miles away

    1.  Avatar


      If you had £40 million would have donated it for these improvements with no strings attached.

      1. Neighbour Avatar

        What is your problem? Sloane St looks brilliant and you whine. Cadogan have asked nothing more that be allowed to improve the street. If it’s for their benefit and residents then that’s fine by me. Your envy driven Left wing nonsense has ruined this country. Anyone trying to make money and provide employment is attacked by people like you. Over 40% of the population now take out more than they put in. At least companies like Cadogan pay huge tax which is more than you do! Now take a walk down Sloane St and cool off

        1.  Avatar

          Interesting. I am not “left wing” and never have been. I am a wishy washy social democrat. Granted, I am no Tory but I am not “left wing.” I am not opposed to businesses doing well because social policy and economic policy are part and parcel of the same thing. I am afraid, good neighbour, you have got me all wrong. I have walked along Sloane Street and agree that it looks very nice.

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