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Thank you, Ian Henderson, for a wonderful story of how things change when tenants took over the care of their property at Wandsworth Plain Armoury Way.

Poorly kept outside areas have been transformed.



Well done, Ian and all the tenant gardening group…an inspiration to us all!

14 responses to “TENANT TAKEOVER”

  1. Miss Trotwood Avatar
    Miss Trotwood

    This is what I like to see. Well done, Ian, you have inspired so many.

  2. Reuben Katz Avatar
    Reuben Katz

    What I like about Ian Henderson is his ability to inspire people to act on their own agency.

    Ian is a sensible moderate politician. Unlike so many of his counterparts on the hard left, he does not tell or instruct ordinary folk about what they should do. We need a dozen more Labour Councillors like him in Kensington and Chelsea.

    What a lovely job the tenants in Wandsworth have made of that little garden.

  3. Magdalena Avatar

    I spoke to Ian many years ago about my housing long before he was elected to the Council. He always listened to me and empathised. He never tried to influence me. He has the common touch with working class people. He is different to all those middle class, university educated, marxists who think they know better than anyone else what those of us at the bottom of the pile, on social security, need.

  4. Daisy Thatcher Avatar
    Daisy Thatcher

    The Wandsworth “tenant volunteers” are better than K&C’s Housing Estates’ Gardening Contractor.

  5. Miss Trotwood Avatar
    Miss Trotwood

    The Corbynite Councillors who masquerade as Labour Councillors in Kensington and Chelsea could not motivate social housing tenants to do anything like this.

    They are locked in to the communist principle of there being no limit to munificence of the state.

  6. Corbynista, Commies and Trots Avatar
    Corbynista, Commies and Trots

    Dear Miss Trotwood,

    Do you think Labour will see off these hard left Corbynistas including the Trots?

    Yours ever,

    Sandinista in the heart of Nicaragua.

  7. Socialist Rejects Avatar
    Socialist Rejects

    Miss Trotwood knows more about this than me.

    At the General Election, the Corbynistic candidate spent £58, 000 on her campaign and only got 4% of the vote.

    I think we can now all conclude that Kensington Labour Party is no place for the hard left- The Commies and the Trots.

    Labour needs to find moderate, sensible, candidates for local elections because Starmerism was embraced by the electorate in Bayswater and Kensington and Corbynism vehemently rejected. I always knew that Corbynism was a cult.

  8. Marcus Kleinmann of Trotskyite Watch. Avatar
    Marcus Kleinmann of Trotskyite Watch.

    Miss Trotwood should stand for the Council – She knows what’s right.

  9. Get rid of the political tensions in the Labour Party. Avatar
    Get rid of the political tensions in the Labour Party.

    I hope Ian Henderson stands again as a Labour Councillor.

    Bring Ian in from the cold and turn out the Corbynites. If the Corbynistas want do Corbyn’s Marxism, they can stand on his political label and leave the Labour Party to do good work in peace.

    Good work in Wandsworth, Ian, well done.

  10. Anti Marxist. Avatar
    Anti Marxist.

    Labour does well, when they have not got the Marxist cranks in their number. They did badly nationally in 2019 when the parliamentary Marxist cranks were devising their “nuanced” Brexit strategy – Jeremy Corbyn style. They did badly in Kensington in the General Election of 2019 too.

    Labour did well nationally and climbed an impossibly steep psephological mountain with a sane Labour candidate in Kensington – a Cambridge graduate and a middle of the road, Democratic Socialist, man.

    Labour should do better in the 2026 Local Elections minus the Communists who reduced the party to detritus in 2019.

    1. Get Henderson in! Avatar
      Get Henderson in!

      We need to get rid of the Corbybnites and bring Ian Henderson back to the Council Chamber to represent those who need a hard working, well intentioned, Councillor doing his best for people without adherence to Marxism and Corbynism or Trotskyite Revisionism.

    2. Jakob Avatar

      Hold your horses – Anti Marxist.

      Kensington Labour has not shafted the Communists yet.

  11. Democratic Shafting is not "Democratic Socialism." Avatar
    Democratic Shafting is not “Democratic Socialism.”

    Dear Monica,

    When will the Labour Party start deselecting those hard left Communists who were brought in by Emma Dent Coad to replace decent councillors – you, Ian Henderson and Pat Healy for starters.

    Now remember, the dangers of Trotskyite Entryism. Those on the lethal left get all their mates to join the Party to ensure they take control of the local party so they retain power and are not democratically shafted. So you will need to make sure that as many moderate people as possible join KLP to make sure that the Trotskyite entryists are beaten at their own game.

    1. Miss Trotwood Avatar
      Miss Trotwood

      There is nothing like a democratic shafting for dealing with Trotskyite entryism.

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