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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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“We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.”

It’s clear new alliances are being forged by Trump and Vance and they don’t include Europe.

The Dame using a ‘medium’ friend managed an advisory chat with L. Palmerston. His Lordship shared many of Trump’s dealmaking attitudes to friendships.

During the seance his Lordship said best to forge a deep and lasting alliance with China and ditch the US.

Horrified she pressed Palmerston….“you mean get the US to remove all its nuclear weaponry here and us leave NATO?” “absolutely, dear Dame, greater safety and no tariffs”. You will get nothing but insults from this man.



  1. General Blimp Avatar
    General Blimp

    could not agree more. The US is only interested in detaching Russia from China at the expense of Europe. Let’s play their game and friend up with China. We actually are more or less in their pockets anyway.

  2. Doreen from Earls Court Avatar
    Doreen from Earls Court

    The Dame is amazing. Dame can you get hold of my granny and ask the code for the safe?

  3. Pundit Avatar

    The Dame is being flippant but underneath it there is much safe. Trump is looking for a way to get out of Europe and as ever Britain will be expected to haul European arses out of trouble. Let’s become like Ireland…neutral and friends with the world. The USA will stuff us

  4. EX US citizen Avatar
    EX US citizen

    Trump and his rump don’t like or understand European culture. They are crude property developers and the only useful talks are money.

    1. Trump is arse hole when it comes to foreign policy. Avatar
      Trump is arse hole when it comes to foreign policy.

      Hear, hear, ex US citizen. Buy Gaza: force the displacement of Palestinians to neighbouring Arab states to complete the Naqba all so American property developers can profit from the Riviera of the Middle East. Netanyahu was smiling like a Cheshire Cat when Trump announced that.

      End the war in Ukraine. Denounce Zelensky. Get Ukraine to repay the aid donated by the US and pursue business opportunities in Russia.

  5. NO Name Avatar
    NO Name

    Not such a bad idea. Having US nukes of our land makes us targets

  6. Vexed Complainer Avatar
    Vexed Complainer

    Be great if the dame could get me a reply from social services…

    1. The Dame Avatar

      why should she? Not her job

      1. Some Councils do 'ave ‘em Avatar
        Some Councils do ‘ave ‘em

        That’s what Councillors are supposed to do. To represent people’s interests and circumstances to the Council. Most of them in K&C just want the monthly allowance. They pay lip service to helping people to obtain the services they need. There’s nothing like boarding the Hornton Street Gravy Train Express.

        1. Mrs Greed Avatar
          Mrs Greed

          Dear Dame,

          Do you remember when councillors received no allowances for performing their official duties?

          They could not even get their bus fares reimbursed for attending a full meeting of the council.

          I think we would get more dedicated people seeking election to the council if it was not so financially lucrative to become a councillor.

          If I were an employer, I would not give any RBKC councillors a job. Would you, my good lady?

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