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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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Sir Peter Bazalgette

The Milner Street Area Residents’ Association holds it 2024 Annual General meeting on Thursday, 28th November at St Simon Zelotes Church at 7pm.

After the meeting, there will be a party so residents can meet with local luminaries and, importantly councillors, the police and Joe Powell MP.

Peter Bazalgette, described as the most important man in British television, will give an address. The Dame was fascinated to read that his parents never allowed him to watch television until he was 12. What are his thoughts on smart screen usage by the young?

Those flooded by sewage a few years back might also get his views on Thames Water’s poor upkeep of our sewage system…Peter’s Victorian ancestor engineered the first effective London sewage system.

MISARA is a very proactive campaigning association.

We complain that our views are frequently ignored but MISARA is a powerful vehicle to amplify our voice and thus deserves our support.


  1. Is this a first for a Labour MP? Avatar
    Is this a first for a Labour MP?

    Very pleased to see that Joe Powell MP is engaging with a toff’s Residents’ Association.

    Did Ms. Dent Coad attend the AGM of this Association when she was MP for Kensington for that disastrous two years? I hear from the Dame’s nephew, Ludo, she went to Momentum.

    Is Joe Powell MP the first Labour MP to service this Residents’ Association?

  2. The working class can kiss my arise, I've got the foreman's job at last. Avatar
    The working class can kiss my arise, I’ve got the foreman’s job at last.

    Joe Powell MP knows he has got to be an MP for the toffs as well as for the working class.

  3. Duchess of Rutlandshire. Avatar
    Duchess of Rutlandshire.

    Joe Powell MA (Cantab) is intelligent and very well considered in his actions. Along with my good friend, the Dame, we shall be keeping a close eye on his performance.

    1. A man for all people. Avatar
      A man for all people.

      Good to see that Joe is devoting his time to a ” toffs’ ” Residents’ Association. He also works for the dispossessed. He is a man for all people.

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