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Working from home and a murder…

“Lessons will be learned”.….the usual mantra by councils when they have frequent foul-ups.

The murder and torture of Sara Sharif will lead to much soul searching.

Surrey County Council had a hapless reputation before this tragedy but questions are now demanded of its futile leadership.

Joanna Killian, former chief executive of Surrey county council; Dave Hill, its former director of children’s services; and his successor Rachael Wardell

Joanna Killian, (left)former chief executive of Surrey county council; Dave Hill, its former director of children’s services; and his successor Rachael Wardell

Killian was upbraided for taking a salary in excess of £200k before becoming CE of the LGA. Hill, now dead, got a gong and Wardell was in charge when her staff ignored all the danger signs.

But the big question is this. How many of Wardell’s team worked full-time in the Council offices?

When the Dame asked about RBK&C home working no one had a clue

Children’s care cannot be properly managed in a joined-up way when child protection officers are working from home.

“Back to the office” should be the mantra and no excuses.

2 responses to “Working from home and a murder…”

  1. If you want something don't ask a social worker. Avatar
    If you want something don’t ask a social worker.

    Child Protection Officers working from home presumably tapping away at their computers and being paid courtesy of the Council Tax Payer. Whilst I understand the importance of record keeping:-

    How many days a week do Social Workers spend visiting and checking on their vulnerable children client group?

    How many days a week do these Town Hall/ Home Workers spend making follow up enquiries by personal contact with schoolteachers, general medical practitioners, school nurses and other carers?

    I haven’t forgotten Victoria Climbie. A junior Social Worker was eventually banned by the Secretary of State from ever working with children again for her handling of the case. That Junior Social Worker was supervised by a Senior Social Worker. The Supervising Officer’s own children were on the “at risk register at Lambeth Council.”

    That Senior Social Worker used to light candles in supervisory sessions with the Junior Social Worker and go in to a trance like state talking dross about white people.

  2. . Avatar

    A Children’s Officer working remotely is a Remote Children’s Officer.

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