It is rare for the Dame to get plaudits from mysterious readers but when she does she purrs like a Persian or Iranian cat!
Her only wish is that Jonathan could have provided a true email address so she could invite him to one of her fabulously amazing functions where the good and the great assemble to pay homage to the old thing
Jonathan, don’t be a shy boy….send the Dame your address and you receive one of her much sought-after invitations.
Dear Dame,
I have been a loyal reader of your amazing blog for more years than I ever care to remember.
Never unkind….always balanced; you have been an inspiration to us all.
Never ceasing to fight the good fight against corruption and mean-spiritedness your blog sets the highest standards of civic life.
Yes, bad local political actors may wince as you lay into them but the good un’s always know that you back them to the hilt.
Your pursuit of the villainous Scott Dylan the Villain was a masterpiece of investigative work.
Now he languishes in rat-infested Pentonville soon to be joined by his fellow gang members, Mason and Antrobus.
Dame, this is a Royal Borough and your regal presence amongst us is to be treasured.
Yours adoringly and so gushingly